Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Redeeming the Time

A new school year for the Mitchell household began yesterday!  I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for us this year.  We are starting a new curriculum this year.  Change is good and I know it will be a change for the better.  The kids are already energized by it...but we will see how things are going next week! There is always a great attitude and excitement about the "new" at the beginning of each year.  The honeymoon period, as we call it.

I am specifically asking the Lord to give me grace and to be single-minded during our home school time.  It is so easy to get distracted in a ministry home by phone calls, to do's by the Pastor/hubby, and well-intentioned friends wanting to get the kids together.  All of those things are SO much easier than staying focused on the task of school work, so it is a constant struggle.  I want to be a good steward of the gifts God has given us and redeem the time for His glory.  May He receive all the praise for any accomplishments we may achieve: for it is by Him, to Him, and through Him that we can do anything!